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Username Post: Loyola vs Fairfield-- MAAC CHAMPIONSHIP
Posts: 90

Loc: Rhode Island
Reg: 11-27-06
03-05-12 10:28 AM - Post#124050    
    In response to Bang Bang

Prior to the game I didn't think about Springfield being fairly close to all the other schools, in comparison to Loyola. There were a lot of Siena fans yesterday. Decent showing for Loyola fans considering.

Stadium was less than half full, in the beautiful city of Springfield. I believe the MAAC is trying to start a relationship with the Hall, but get the tournament out of Springfield if you want people to go. I prefer the rotation of Albany, Bridgeport and maybe the Rock in Newark. I don't believe they'll ever bring it to Baltimore. At least give Loyola fans a reasonable chance to get to the tournament.

Pumped for tonight. Go Hounds.
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