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Username Post: Loyola vs Fairfield-- MAAC CHAMPIONSHIP
Masters Student
Posts: 526
Reg: 02-08-07
03-05-12 12:47 PM - Post#124085    
    In response to jdp 94

I'm really enjoying these last few days and hopefully we will all be even more excited come tonight and tomorrow. I love reading the Fairfield board as there are a few guys there that absolutely hat Loyola and Patsos calling him an obnoxious genius and saying that we dont have a chance if they come to play. Its going to come down to rebounding the basketball if we control the boards and take away second chances I think we win. I wish I would have got to experience a run like this while I was on campus but i am enjoying it now. I think this run bodes well for next season as well becuase it shows that Loyola can in fact get over the hump and play for MAAC titles now we just have to win it.
It's Not Worth Winning if You Can't Win Big

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