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Username Post: Bracketology
Posts: 16

Age: 38
Reg: 04-08-10
03-07-12 12:29 AM - Post#124659    
    In response to LoCo2011

Personally, I just hope to avoid one of those stupid "first round" aka play-in games on Tuesday. It's especially stupid when sometimes its between 16 seeds, but other times is 13s or even 12s. Makes no sense at all. Way too many teams in the tourny already, no need to expand.

In all honesty, I am not a huge Loyola fan at all. Grad school is a completely different ball game unfortunately, not as much time to go to games, follow the team, etc. But I did watch all the TV games and went to several games too. I literally cannot contain my excitement for this though. I think campus is going to be electric next week, and being able to read about little ol' Loyola in my local newspaper is awesome. I even got my buddy to order a MAAC Champions shirt to wear next weekend. Loyola is gonna be his "no name mid-major" bandwagon for the 1st weekend of the tourny. Gotta love it!
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