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Username Post: Princeton Game #2
Masters Student
Posts: 806

Age: 52
Reg: 05-19-16
03-08-17 05:45 PM - Post#225690    
    In response to SRP

EB is the best player in the Ivies. The fact that he is doing what he does against double and triple teams is incredible. It's a travesty that he didn't get First Team. I understand POY. He can't help coaching or who his teammates on the floor are. To top it all off he does it playing out of position most of the time. On a better team he'd be an even better player. He'd be more efficient. His counting stats might go down but his advanced stats would go up. He routinely makes tough baskets.

It takes talent to make tough baskets. Any decent player should be able to knock down an open three. One pound dribble, side step 3 ball to bring the game within reach versus Columbia that's talent. Tough acrobatic layup versus URI, talent. The Ivy League is not helping Dartmouth or the League by giving its best player 2nd team honors.
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