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Username Post: Incoming Class
Dr. V 
PhD Student
Posts: 1542

Reg: 11-21-04
06-14-17 06:37 PM - Post#230094    
    In response to Chet Forte

This is a very fine class. Two stats that stand out for me are Faulds's averaging 4 blocks a game and Hanson's averaging 10 rebounds a game. That and the fact that we now have much more shooting.

Mr. James has tried to convince everyone that Faulds is overrated as a 4 star. Even if so, then only slightly. He has played other 4 stars in MI and has held his own against them. He is very agile for a big and can do everything, i.e., rebound, block, pass and shoot, well. He can shoot up to the foul line.

If we're talking about players being overrated or underrated, then Bibbs and Stefanini were pretty clearly underrated as 2 stars, even though both received plenty of mid-major offers. Both were late bloomers either actually or in terms of attention. Bibbs went from being 6'1" and averaging 13 ppg. as a junior to a 6'3" senior who averaged 26 ppg. His athleticism jumps out at you, and one of the players on whom he seems to want to pattern his game is Russell Westbrook.

Stefanini only played in the US his junior and senior years, and spent his summers playing for the Italian 16 and under national team. That put him somewhat under the radar here. I saw him play against college players last summer in pick up games and he certainly held his own both offensively and defensively (he's surprisingly crafty on D). He played against great competition in h.s. and was second team combined classes all state in NJ. It's hard to compare one year against another, but this year's ROY from Harvard was similarly a second team all classes all state in NJ last year.

Hanson has great size, athleticism and versatility (shooting, rebounding and passing). He hit for over 40 pts. several times this year, and seems to be equally comfortable taking it to the hole and hitting long 3 pointers. What I don't have is a feel for the quality of play in MN h.s., so that leaves me with a bit of an open question.

I haven't seen any or enough tape on our remaining two recruits, so don't have anything to offer on them but am certainly looking forward to seeing them in action.
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