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Username Post: I'm Not a Recruiting Maven, but....
Posts: 5597

Age: 61
Reg: 07-07-09
10-05-22 09:47 AM - Post#345025    
    In response to SomeGuy

Would Lorca-Lloyd be a star (one of the best couple of players on the team) where he would be a better system fit? Or a better complementary player?

I'd think the latter.

Conversely, Spinoso looks like a system fit who could wind up being a better complementary player at Penn even though he doesn't have the tool set Lorca-Lloyd has.

That's what I mean about system players helping at the margins. Spinoso could be the starter at center for the next 3 years because he fits the system, but does Penn make it to the dance if he's one of the best 2 or 3 players on the team?

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