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Username Post: BB banquet
Dr. V 
PhD Student
Posts: 1543

Reg: 11-21-04
03-22-23 09:13 PM - Post#354914    

The men's BB banquet was held at the Smith & Wollensky steak house last night. About 60 attendees including Pilling, Schiller, the coaches, players and some former players, parents and supporters.

Pilling, Engles and the two seniors, Shockley-Okeke and Yarasits, spoke. Each of the coaches was involved in handing out awards, and the recipients were: Rubio De La Rosa (MVP); Noland (team spirit, hustle and determination award); Brown (first year POY); Stankard (outstanding scholar-athlete award); Odunowo ("never gave up on his teammates or himself" award); Mr. Alan Stone (Jerry Sherwin Alumni Award); and Shockley-Okeke (outstanding commitment to the Columbia community award).

Event was congenial and had a positive vibe. Seats were assigned so that tables had a mixture of players, parents and supporters, which was a good idea as otherwise players have a tendency to cling together.

Interesting to see that former players Harding and Nweke attended. Engles spoke about the challenge of losing games with a young team while trying to keep everyone focused on improving and on the process of sticking together.

News tidbit: we are going to Europe in August: Italy and Switzerland for four games.
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