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Username Post: The DP weighs in AND Clark news....
Silver Maple 
Posts: 3792

Loc: Westfield, New Jersey
Reg: 11-23-04
03-16-24 11:45 AM - Post#365342    
    In response to Streamers

If I were an Ivy president I'd do everything in my power to prevent alumni starting NIL collectives, up to and including jacking admissions standards WAY up. Collectives will cause the institutions lose too much control over their varsity programs, and that carries significant risk-- risks that really aren't worth taking for an Ivy as there's very little to be gained in return. Now, a president of a major conference university wouldn't care about this all that much, because those schools' varsity programs are already beyond their control, and they're also less concerned about the potential risks in light of the benefits.

And that's the unavoidable calculus-- Penn doesn't have enough to gain as an institution to justify pursuing major sport success, particularly in light of some recent embarrassments, especially with MBB. As a fan I desperately wish this weren't the case, but if I were Penn's president I would reluctantly decide to stick with the status quo. Steve Donahue has run a clean program and hasn't embarrassed the university, and, regrettably, that has to be good enough for the time being. Maybe when his contract is up the university will reconsider.
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