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Username Post: The DP weighs in AND Clark news....
PhD Student
Posts: 1936

Reg: 11-29-04
03-17-24 02:18 AM - Post#365499    
    In response to Quakers03

I don't know what you are disgusted by. That's the new world of athletics. The whole thing is disgusting. I know for a fact that Coach K is meeting with alumni and boosters about this stuff, even though he isn't even the Duke coach anymore. If you put in $10M, you don't get to run the program - but you better believe that you get to bend their ear.

If you think it is disgusting, then join me in not taking this stuff too seriously. It's fine by me if we fire Donahue. It's fine by me if we don't. I'm fine with Donahue starting Holland, and I'm fine that Laz got more time (especially since he was statistically superior). At this point, I only care about the program representing us with great student athletes.
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