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Username Post: Yale
Posts: 3601

Reg: 02-15-15
03-19-17 11:05 AM - Post#227676    
    In response to bradley

  • bradley Said:
The point is that some of us just think that the IL Tournament is foolish and does not support the overarching objective of the IL continuing on its upward trajectory.

Most of us accept that the tournament will exist for a number of years unless a "perfect storm" hits more than one time over the next few years. This year, Robin and her merry men dodged the first bullet.

Many of us also believe that the initial IL Tournament was a testament to amateur hour and hopefully, some lessons have been learned to improve the format, location, etc. but it is doubtful based on what we have seen so far.

The idea that the IL tournament is the product of a conspiracy backed by a small group of people is lunacy. The vast majority of people want this tournament (Players, coaches, AD's, fans). The people on this board are decidedly in the minority. So this isn't Robin Harris' and her merry men.

As Old Bear said, get over it.

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