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Username Post: 2017-18 Basketball Schedule
Masters Student
Posts: 420
Loc: Montclair, NJ
Reg: 11-21-04
07-07-17 12:06 PM - Post#230579    
    In response to westcoast

Princeton's starting five will be competitive with any team in the league, with 3 bona fide studs, a very effective "glue guy" (Gladson) and, I'm assuming, a high-potential newcomer (Much or Desrosiers). To take a run at the title I think the Tigers will need a much bigger contribution from Brennan and Young, who should be ready to assume a more prominent role next year. When Princeton went to the bench last year, with Bell and Miller/Gladson, the defensive intensity and offensive flow remained at a high level, which made the Tigers a very hard team to beat.
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