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Username Post: NIT
Posts: 2715

Loc: New Jersey
Reg: 01-21-14
03-14-18 09:26 PM - Post#253143    
    In response to TheLine

Once Aiken got hurt Harvard stopped pressing - unless if it had to in final minutes. Without Aiken, McCarthy and Farley, Harvard had a shortage of guards this year. Juzang (4th string PG), Johnson and Bassey collectively only had one sub - the freshman Haskett. This starting 3 would play 35-40 minutes on back to back nights and so Harvard couldn't afford to press, or be too aggressive and pick up fouls.

With Aiken, McCarthy and Farley back, plus top 135+ ranked freshmen guards Spencer Freedman and Noah Kirkwood, Harvard will be much more aggressive next year. These are all additions as no one in the rotation is graduating. In fact, Corey Johnson was the only Junior.

Assuming good health, Harvard should be significantly better each of the next two years.

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