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Brown Columbia Cornell Dartmouth Harvard Penn Princeton Yale

Username Post: Baseball
Columbia 37P6 
Posts: 2194

Reg: 02-14-06
05-06-19 10:21 AM - Post#284217    
    In response to palestra38

Yes, Columbia played a somewhat tougher out of conference schedule at the beginning of the year. Columbia opened at Oklahoma, and then played Cal Poly, Northern Florida and Miami whereas Penn also played southern schools Duke and UNC , but finished up with four wins over Fairleigh Dickinson in Teaneck. Columbia and Penn are both solid squads, and Penn played very well against us, and would have advanced to the Championship Game against Harvard, but for a brilliant pitching performance by Ethan Abrams, some remarkable fielding gems by center fielder, Ben Porter and timely hitting by Liam McGill. Of course, having a great coach like Brett Borretti doesn't hurt. Hope our friends from Penn will be rooting for Columbia to win the playoff series against Harvard.
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