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Username Post: Engles and Forrest
Columbia 37P6 
Posts: 2194

Reg: 02-14-06
03-14-20 10:21 PM - Post#304614    
    In response to Chet Forte

Chet, I would suggest that the term "profound miscalculation" applies better to Pilling's decision to hire Engles four years ago. Obviously, at that time, the Athletic Director was entitled to expect much better results than the 35-77 record that he has received subsequently from his newly hired coach. With 20-20 hindsight, that was clearly a "profound miscalculation." What is not a "profound miscalculation" is the Athletic Director's apparent decision to extend Engles' employment for another three years without anticipating that a key player would transfer. Such administrative action can be described in many ways, some nice, and some not as nice, but surely not as a "profound miscalculation."

Edited by Columbia 37P6 on 03-14-20 10:22 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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