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Username Post: Columbia baseball
Columbia 37P6 
Posts: 2194

Reg: 02-14-06
05-21-23 11:23 AM - Post#356383    
    In response to Chet Forte

My guess is that nothing in particular is going on with the Columbia Baseball Team other than everyone is very disappointed that the team lost its final nine games to finish the season on a low note. However, we knew from the beginning of the season that the Columbia Baseball Team had a very strong batting line-up and a very weak pitching staff for whatever reasons. At one point early in the season the Lions wwere even ranked nationally after winnning a three game series against Alabama. Yet it was clear early on that the pitching was not there. Columbia came from way behind too many times for the wins to continue. Then you had several unexpected injuries to key players including the team's only fireballer and the starting centerfielder and third baseman. Finally, our Ivy league opponents were all much stronger than prior years. With hindsight, something obviously went wrong with the pitching staff and that led to the team's late season collapse. Hopefully, Columbia will have a whole lot of fresh arms ready for 2024.
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