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Username Post: Dingle news....
Posts: 74

Reg: 02-09-05
04-28-24 10:04 AM - Post#367852    
    In response to Charlie Fog

I think Ledlum has a far stronger case as he was in school in 20-21 and prevented from playing because the Ivies cancelled the season. Dingle on the other hand was technically not prevented from playing as he chose to withdraw from school, albeit to preserve his 4 years of Ivy eligibility. The argument on the other side with respect to being denied a 5th year of potential NIL earnings is that neither was denied that opportunity by the NCAA. In this era of immediate transfer eligibility both could have transferred and played elsewhere and then would have had their 5 years. They freely chose not to. Having made that choice of their own free will that cannot now go back and re-write history or the consequences of their independent decisions not to avail themselves of the opportunity to play in 20-21. If college athletics was still about the “college” part first that would be a pretty weak argument but we all know that the “college” part no longer has anything to do with it.
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