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Username Post: A 2025 commitment....
PhD Student
Posts: 1936

Reg: 11-29-04
05-27-24 12:02 AM - Post#368762    
    In response to penn nation

I watched his video. At first I thought... ho hum, another tweener. Too slow to play guard, not big enough to be an impact forward. As I watched deeper, I started to see ways he could develop and make a difference. I saw someone who wasn't physical enough (yet) for Ivy play, but who wasn't afraid of contact. He has a nice looking shot and seems to have multiple ways to score. He has some quick drives to the hoop and can finish with both hands off the backbboard. Perhaps he's the answer we've been looking for as the elusive #3. I had high hopes for players like Henry Brooks and Ed Holland to be the athletic #3 that we've never really had. Maybe someone with better fundamentals and a bankable shot is the right answer at #3. If he can develop his athleticism, speed, and defense a bit, I can imagine it. He looks like Max Rothschild, but I'd like to see grow into a #3 instead of a #4. That will be dictated by what positions he can defend.

The big question mark for me is the quality of opposition. He didn't look like he was playing against the strongest of teams in the videos, so I couldn't tell how he'd match up against better players. I said the same thing in my Levine comments, and some of our knowledgeable board members said that they played in a good conference.

I see a path for this young man, but he'll have to develop to find a way to have an impact in the league. He needs to find some areas of definitive edge in D1 to avoid being a tweener.
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