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Username Post: Minnesota Game
Posts: 353

Reg: 12-05-04
12-06-10 01:43 AM - Post#90316    
    In response to mrjames

I don't think there's much chest thumping in Cornell circles at all. I think most people agree this team could finish anywhere from 3rd to 7th and would have to improve a lot in terms of rebounding and non-3-pt-shooting-offense to mount any kind of challenge to Harvard and Princeton.

My take is that if Errick Peck can play like he does against BCS teams against non-BCS teams, the Wroblewski-Wire-Peck-Ferr y group can be pretty effective and lead Cornell to 7-8 Ivy wins-- and there are plenty of folks on the Cornell blog who think that's too optimistic. There are also some people that think Cornell has a shot to win the league, but those people have been thinking that all season, not just after the Minnesota game.

Edited by CUJacob on 12-06-10 01:43 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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