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Username Post: Columbia Spectator article on DeLaRosa        (Topic#28058)
Masters Student
Posts: 652

Reg: 12-26-04
04-11-24 08:04 PM - Post#367312    


Columbia 37P6 
Posts: 2194

Reg: 02-14-06
04-13-24 09:30 PM - Post#367371    
    In response to hoopsfan

Terrific article in the Columbia Spectator regarding Columbia basketball player, Geronimo de la Rosa. Remarkable young man who has already overcome many major obstacles to become a standout basketball player at Columbia.

PhD Student
Posts: 1360
Reg: 12-08-04
04-14-24 10:17 AM - Post#367388    
    In response to Columbia 37P6

Nice story.

Posts: 2305
Age: 74
Loc: Sandy, Utah
Reg: 11-21-04
Re: Columbia Spectator article on DeLaRosa
04-14-24 01:25 PM - Post#367396    
    In response to hoopsfan

Thanks for posting this. Great kid. I wish him well--perhaps he plays professionally in Spain? Or do those in the know give him a shot at the NBA?

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