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Username Post: Seeding & Selection Sunday        (Topic#11769)
Posts: 3721

Reg: 02-06-10
03-12-11 08:04 PM - Post#100473    

Haha! It feels GREAT just to be making this thread.

I feel like we're a lock for a 13-seed (one of the Top 2 13s on the S-curve, I'd guess). Any chance of a 12? Almost certainly not, and I'm not sure I even want to see our odds helped by Champ Week surprises -- I really want to see the Ivy get that second bid.

Posts: 4939

Reg: 02-04-06
03-12-11 08:27 PM - Post#100483    
    In response to gokinsmen

A 13 feels most likely, but I could also see us with a 14 (the better to justify leaving Harvard out). I don't really care that much about seeding. I'd like to get a good stylistic matchup.

We're two down and six to go as far as sudden-death games on the way to the prize go. You're going to play somebody good along the way in any case and isn't that the whole point of going to the tourney?

Masters Student
Posts: 782

Reg: 12-19-09
03-12-11 10:37 PM - Post#100515    
    In response to SRP

I just hope we don't get matched up with Georgetown.

Posts: 6437

Reg: 11-22-04
03-12-11 11:46 PM - Post#100522    
    In response to puband09

After Donahue against Dunphy last year, they couldn't possibly do something like that to the league again. Could they?

Posts: 3721

Reg: 02-06-10
Seeding & Selection Sunday
03-13-11 12:19 AM - Post#100526    
    In response to SomeGuy

I have to admit that I've secretly been pondering this for a couple weeks now. I'm not so sure it would be a horrible matchup for us either. Their PG, Chris Wright, is coming off a broken hand and Austin Freeman, while a superb college player, isn't super-athletic. Bray and even Mav might be able to stay in front of him often enough to give us a good chance.

Posts: 2825

Reg: 11-23-04
Re: Seeding & Selection Sunday
03-13-11 07:43 AM - Post#100550    
    In response to gokinsmen

Putting us up against G-Town would be a dirty trick and a slap in the face -- almost as bad as (if it were possible) having Harvard get a play-in against us in the first round. Let's get a shot at someone far, far away in a conference that we don't usually play.

PhD Student
Posts: 1359
Reg: 12-08-04
Re: Seeding & Selection Sunday
03-13-11 10:54 AM - Post#100567    
    In response to Tiger69

Like say, BYU.

Masters Student
Posts: 782

Reg: 12-19-09
Re: Seeding & Selection Sunday
03-13-11 11:46 AM - Post#100578    
    In response to Tiger69

In consolation for the match-up, it would probably mean being bumped up to a 12 seed though... it doesn't look like Gtown will be any higher than a 5. At least there's some honor in that.

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