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Username Post: Bracketology        (Topic#13303)
Posts: 90

Loc: Rhode Island
Reg: 11-27-06
03-08-12 10:29 AM - Post#124968    
    In response to loco09

That long ally oop in the LIU Brooklyn game was pretty sick.

Montana had a ridiculous second half against Weber. Couldn't miss from 3.

Posts: 399

Age: 35
Reg: 01-05-08
03-08-12 10:30 AM - Post#124969    
    In response to loco09

that's before Bucknell lost though right?

or is it not? Really don't see Lehigh just sliding in where Bucknell was.. as some people on the other board are pointing out SPC got a 14 last year... and that's coming in as the 4th seed in the MAAC, must mean they respect our conference a bit.

Can't say I'd be disappointed b/c I still can't get over how awesome it is that we are dancing, but it would hurt a little bit to see us as anything higher than a 14 come Sunday now.

jdp 94 
Masters Student
Posts: 870
jdp 94
Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
03-08-12 01:33 PM - Post#125001    
    In response to LoCo2011

Lunardi updated his bracket but didn't bump Loyola up. Still a 15 vs Duke. He just slipped Lehigh into Bucknell's spot vs Baylor.

Posts: 300

Reg: 07-24-06
03-08-12 02:59 PM - Post#125018    
    In response to loco09

I can actually see Loyola being a team the big guys don't want to play. In those first round games, there's usually a lot of nerves. Loyola plays a very tough frenetic defense which can really rattle a team unprepared for it. It also can keep the score close enough to stay in striking distance.

jdp 94 
Masters Student
Posts: 870
jdp 94
Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
03-08-12 03:17 PM - Post#125021    
    In response to Brian

  • Brian Said:
I can actually see Loyola being a team the big guys don't want to play. In those first round games, there's usually a lot of nerves. Loyola plays a very tough frenetic defense which can really rattle a team unprepared for it. It also can keep the score close enough to stay in striking distance.

I don't disagree, but I feel that the way the cinderallas win these games (or push it to the buzzer) is by shooting the lights out behind the arc. And we just don't have that in the arsenal.

baltimore baller 
Posts: 26

Reg: 12-24-10
03-08-12 03:42 PM - Post#125026    
    In response to jdp 94

You are kidding, right?

Posts: 399

Age: 35
Reg: 01-05-08
03-08-12 04:57 PM - Post#125040    
    In response to baltimore baller

34% on the season...

Good for T-186th in the nation.

Olson's the only true threat at 44%

The rest follows so:
Cormier 32%
Walker?! 32%
Winbush 29%
Hall 28% (but he won't play)
Etherly 3-11 or 27%
Drummond 25%
Williams 24%

I don't think he was kidding.

jdp 94 
Masters Student
Posts: 870
jdp 94
Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
03-08-12 05:45 PM - Post#125045    
    In response to baltimore baller

  • baltimore baller Said:
You are kidding, right?

Olson is our only legitimate threat, and if Fairfield can shut him down behind the arc I feel a Top 10 team will as well.

baltimore baller 
Posts: 26

Reg: 12-24-10
03-08-12 06:18 PM - Post#125047    
    In response to jdp 94

True that stats stand for what they are. But we hit big time 3s WHEN IT COUNTS. Let's just use Winbush as the perfect example.

Posts: 300

Reg: 07-24-06
03-09-12 09:44 AM - Post#125096    
    In response to baltimore baller

There are 3 kinds of lies - lies, damn lies, and statistics. I would feel comfortable with Olson, Cormier, Drummond, Hall, Walker, or Winbush taking a GOOD 3. I think any of them are capable of hitting it at a decent %age. I think those #'s get dragged down significantly by the numerous times where we run a stagnant offense and hoist a forced 3 as the shot clock runs down. If we can get a good look in the course of a real offensive scheme, I'm good with those guys. Additionally, when Winbush or Walker hit the 3, it forces the defense to guard further out which opens things up more inside for Etherly. The flip side is, you have to recognize when the shot just isn't falling and don't try to force what's not working.

baltimore baller 
Posts: 26

Reg: 12-24-10
03-09-12 10:56 AM - Post#125108    
    In response to Brian


Posts: 90

Loc: Rhode Island
Reg: 11-27-06
03-09-12 03:23 PM - Post#125145    
    In response to baltimore baller

Glockner [SI] upgraded Loyola to 14 seed vs 3 Marquette (Columbus)

Posts: 90

Loc: Rhode Island
Reg: 11-27-06
03-09-12 03:28 PM - Post#125146    
    In response to jdubs

Lunardi [ESPN] keeps Loyola as 15 but moves them to South vs 2 Ohio State (Pittsburgh)

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