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Username Post: NCAA Selection Show Viewing Party        (Topic#13325)
Posts: 16

Age: 38
Reg: 04-08-10
03-08-12 05:34 PM - Post#125044    

I know there was talk about an official viewing party on Sunday evening, and I just received the following email from Campus Ministry. Figured I'd pass it along. I hope the place is packed.

In light of the televised NCAA Selection Show, on Sunday, March 12, at 6:00 pm … we will be celebrating a special 5:00 pm Mass*,

in Alumni Chapel, to prayerfully support our Loyola Men’s Basketball Team. Please join us for our spiritual team celebration … and then, immediately following mass, the party will continue with the Basketball Team, in Reitz Arena, at 6:00 pm, for the NCAA Selection Show, food, fun and festivities!

All are welcome!


Campus Ministry

*Note: The 5:00 pm mass will replace the regular 6:00 pm mass for this week only. There will also be a 10:00 pm mass, in Hopkins Court.

Posts: 16

Age: 38
Reg: 04-08-10
03-08-12 11:11 PM - Post#125079    
    In response to InYourHead

Official information has been posted by the Athletic Department.


What kind of crowd do y'all think will be there to support the Hounds?

Man, I wish this board was more active too.....

Masters Student
Posts: 526
Reg: 02-08-07
03-08-12 11:21 PM - Post#125080    
    In response to InYourHead

Honestly I think the crowd may be sparse due to students just coming back from break. A big crowd would be awesome since the team didnt really get a proper welcome back to campus.

And it would be nice for the board to be more active and get more topics of discussion. I dont know how you could get more traffic to the board, honestly I doubt too many people know it exists.
It's Not Worth Winning if You Can't Win Big

Posts: 399

Age: 35
Reg: 01-05-08
03-09-12 11:47 AM - Post#125117    
    In response to loco09

of course more people would be great but I think this point a couple weeks ago... this is by far the most active this board has been in years haha..

one step at a time..

Posts: 39

Age: 66
Reg: 11-04-11
03-09-12 01:38 PM - Post#125137    
    In response to LoCo2011

Have they said anything about running buses since it looks like we will end up in Greensboro?
I think there will be a great crowd there Sunday . The students know what a big accomplishment this is

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