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Username Post: GWU        (Topic#20796)
PhD Student
Posts: 1842

Age: 75
Reg: 01-15-16
12-06-17 10:24 PM - Post#239377    
    In response to SRP

Thanks for sharing Kittles' comments. I do think at some point and time, Coach needs to reduce the numbers of players in the rotation but he can still experiment but it is painful to watch.

Masters Student
Posts: 476
Reg: 11-21-04
12-07-17 12:51 AM - Post#239447    
    In response to gokinsmen

The bigs question is an interesting one- there is a shortage of traditional bigs everywhere, the game has changed. Miller and Brennan were highly touted recruits, but it seems that they didn’t get the minutes to develop fully.

Posts: 357

Age: 76
Reg: 12-04-15
12-07-17 10:17 AM - Post#239462    
    In response to umbrellaman

Have to call you out on that one, Uman. Miller developed as much as his skill set permitted. He shot 28% from the FT line as a freshman but improved every season. One night at Columbia he had a 20 point double double in an OT win. He was overshadowed by cannady's 8 points in 25 seconds to tie the game at end of regulation. He made big plays in the streak, defended well and held his own as a rebounder. Brennan has had a lot of chances to play but is really a stretch 4. He is not fast enough to succeed there however.

Old Bear 
Posts: 4018

Reg: 11-23-04
Re: Steeves
12-07-17 10:30 AM - Post#239465    
    In response to SRP

  • SRP Said:
Steeves making play after play for GW.

His sister put up 31 last night. I suspect Sacred Heart feels the same.

Masters Student
Posts: 476
Reg: 11-21-04
12-07-17 04:48 PM - Post#239556    
    In response to JadwinGeorge

JadwinGeorge-I think I was intentionally vague there. Miller and Brennan didn't get the minutes - because it was right not to give them more minutes. The game has changed, and small lineups are frequently the way to go or the right matchup that gave the Tigers the best chance to win. With other teams also lacking classic bigs to punish you down low, the need for the big post defender diminishes. Shot blocking would be nice, but you don't see that much either.

PhD Student
Posts: 1842

Age: 75
Reg: 01-15-16
12-07-17 06:40 PM - Post#239574    
    In response to umbrellaman

I side with JadwinGeorge on this one. Although many teams go small, you also need the ability to go big dependent on your opponent. Last night was a good example as well as non-conference games against elite teams.

Miller was under utilized by Henderson. He had Miller sit for most of his senior season and went with Brase prior to his injury. Brase had toruble defensively against Mika, Kempton and others. Miller got more time against Notre Dame as Bonzie Colson could overpower Stephens.

Sydney Johnson rightly used Connolly and Maddox against Kentucky bigs. It is my biggest gripe and one of the few regarding Coach Henderson.

Someone will need to step up against Lewis later in the year. The choices are clearly not as good as Miller. If you want to beat very good teams, you better have the ability to go big, medium and small. Last night, they were overmatched by height and size of GW and it showed in rebounding stats. I mentioned it before the game so it is not second guessing.

Old Bear 
Posts: 4018

Reg: 11-23-04
12-07-17 08:26 PM - Post#239584    
    In response to bradley

Brown went small against a bigger PC team and were even (42-42)in rebounds for the game. PC went smaller in the second half to counteract. It seems that the move toward quickness and being able to play more positions is becoming more popular in the college game ae well as in the NBA.

PhD Student
Posts: 1842

Age: 75
Reg: 01-15-16
12-08-17 11:08 AM - Post#239617    
    In response to SRP

I hope that you are right but the Tigers have a big hill to climb to become a very good team, let alone a good team, by the time the IL season begins. There is a distinct possibility that they will be somewhere around a 4-11 team when IL play starts based on their remaining non-conference games.

Coaching staff has much work to do with not that much time to do it. Freshmen players are challenging especially when it comes to protecting the ball. I do agree that Much gives some hope especially on the offensive end.

The major plus for the Tigers is the caliber of play by other teams which has been below average to poor. There does not to be a high performing team like Weisz/Cook, Sears/Mason or Saunders/Chambers. Harvard may well be the best but their play to date has been very unimpressive.

With the IL Tournament, excluding Dartmouth, you might have 7 teams fighting for four berths. If you get in, no team appears to be insurmountable for the IL tournament. The optimism expressed by fans of other teams may be somewhat a function of the overall poor quality of play by other teams vs. the performance of their own team plus the IL tournament. Time will tell.

Posts: 2297
Age: 74
Loc: Sandy, Utah
Reg: 11-21-04
12-08-17 02:07 PM - Post#239653    
    In response to bradley

For me the problem is that it is tough to watch so much talent perform so aimlessly.

I guess I was spoiled by TJ Bray, then Spencer Weisz.

So LeBlanc, Morales, Gladson and Barnes all injured?

Posts: 4939

Reg: 02-04-06
12-08-17 02:40 PM - Post#239660    
    In response to 1LotteryPick1969

We all have our back-seat-driving hobbyhorses. I too would like to see an effective post defender on the floor, who can also make plays by passing and scoring, but the "Princeton center" appears to be a fading memory, visible only in flashes when an old-school hook shot occurs or there is a rare pass to a cutter from the high post. Even if Gladson gets healthy I do not expect to see much commitment to him playing that role for major minutes.

Performance to date underestimates the quality of the team and its likely IL performance, even if the others are pretty good. Many wide-open threes have been missed at a rate that I don't think will be sustained--I'm more worried that not enough good ones have been launched in some games. And I'm optimistic that the man defense will get better as the younger players learn and the older ones figure out their roles in the different lineups. My backseat driving here is that I would like to see an assortment of harassing zones mixed in and a greater commitment to pressuring the ball and inducing turnovers in man defense, and I expect the latter to evolve naturally as it did last season.

Posts: 2297
Age: 74
Loc: Sandy, Utah
Reg: 11-21-04
12-08-17 11:02 PM - Post#239727    
    In response to SRP

Sometimes I think the concept of a team leader is overblown, but in the case of this team, it seems to be a major need, be it at the point or at the post.

PhD Student
Posts: 1842

Age: 75
Reg: 01-15-16
12-09-17 04:29 PM - Post#239768    
    In response to SRP

A very good fit for this team would have been Caruso's return. He fits the role of a guy who can score on his own plus he can rebound 7.1 per game at Santa Clara. He would have also added some much needed fire. Somewhat ironic -- it is what it is.

Posts: 4939

Reg: 02-04-06
12-09-17 11:09 PM - Post#239867    
    In response to bradley

Yeah, Henry toughened lineups.

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