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Username Post: News letter        (Topic#27130)
Chet Forte 
Posts: 3030

Reg: 03-02-08
03-09-23 03:39 PM - Post#353591    

The baseball season is barely under way and we already have another detailed report from Brett Boretti on the southern preseason swing. This is not similar to the weekly in season reports from Al Bagnoli. Anybody wonder why these two successful coaches have time to write to alumni and fans while our basketball coach sends around several sentences once or twice a season which are obviously ghostwritten and never say anything of consequence? And for this dismal season, weren’t we entitled to some sort of explanation from Engles? So if you want to know why football and baseball are in good hands and basketball is not, perhaps this is one data point.

Chet Forte 
Posts: 3030

Reg: 03-02-08
03-09-23 03:39 PM - Post#353592    
    In response to Chet Forte

Meant to say this is similar to…

Columbia 37P6 
Posts: 2267

Reg: 02-14-06
03-14-23 10:08 AM - Post#354144    
    In response to Chet Forte

When Kyle Smith was coaching at Columbia he and his staff always communicated with alumni on a regular basis. That is one of the many reasons Smith was so successful at Columbia and then the University of San Francisco and now at Washington State, Incidentally, while the current Columbia Men's Basketball Program is shrouded in secrecy in regards to Coach Engles, you can always read about what is going on in detail with Coach Smith in the Washington State Basketball program. All the details of his multi-year multimillion contract are laid out on the Internet for everyone to see. Another "could have, would have," painful exercise for Columbia fans is to read up on the exploit of Kyle's many assistant coaches at Columbia who are now flourishing in places like Florida where Todd Golden is now the Head Coach and Carlin Hoffman is the Associate Head Coach. It's baffling how Pilling ended up hiring Engles rather than all the talent that was staring him in his face. Princeton got Mitch Henderson, Brown got Mike Martin, Penn got Steve Donohue and Pilling got Engles.

Chet Forte 
Posts: 3030

Reg: 03-02-08
03-14-23 11:08 AM - Post#354149    
    In response to Columbia 37P6

Engles seemed like a low cost obvious choice as a former Columbia assistant and the a supposed miracle worker at NJIT, where he went to Ann Arbor and beat Michigan. So we did not undertake a real search but did what we did with the ill fated Mangurian hire—we took the path of least resistance and shortcutted the process. It took a near death experience, a player revolt, an alumni explosion, and heated editorials in Spec -plus the famous fly over at Baker Field, before we were able to convince a sclerotic administration to cut its losses and spend some real money on the program. I’m afraid we have too many “Big Hat No Cattle” basketball alumni who will not step up and demand change.

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