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Username Post: Monmouth        (Topic#27609)
Masters Student
Posts: 516

Age: 57
Loc: Charleston, WV
Reg: 04-11-10
12-01-23 12:11 PM - Post#359964    

Wow, the Big Red goes to 6-1 after a 91-87 win over the Hawks and radio silence here.

I should be a bit more excited about going to 6-1, but this team's defensive problems are concerning. Teams are hitting over sixty percent of their shots inside the arc, which is bottom ten nationally. Toss in that this year's squad is forcing fewer turnovers, while turning the ball move much more frequently, and the offense is going to have to do some heavy lifting.

But they've done that so far. 7th best 2 pt shooting percentage in the country and respectable 3% shooting (though Ragland tried to shoot the Big Red to a loss on Wednesday).

Sophomore's Noard (he has completely supplanted Watson) and Okereke have looked good and I think Beccles has a future. Williams has been slowly ramping up from what I think was off-season surgery. And Manon is somehow even more foul prone (7.3 fouls per 40 min. !), but he is a force when he's on the floor.

Unless the D improves, this sure seems like a recipe for another "can the guys claim the last ILT slot" kind of season.

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