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Username Post: Cornell II        (Topic#27873)
Masters Student
Posts: 814

Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
02-24-24 10:03 PM - Post#363954    
    In response to palestra38

well we shot fts well.
got outrebounded and they shot the lights out.
but we pull it out by pounding them inside.
cornell loses to brown at home and penn nearly pulls it out on the road
will be interesting.

Masters Student
Posts: 686

Age: 28
Reg: 10-10-17
02-25-24 11:36 AM - Post#363972    
    In response to james

Haven't had a chance to watch last night's game yet, but the Cornell loss is big news for Yale. Now all we need is the winner of Cornell/Princeton to lose another one and we control our own destiny again. (Not that that's exactly a slam dunk, but it's more than we had last night.)

Masters Student
Posts: 686

Age: 28
Reg: 10-10-17
02-25-24 07:06 PM - Post#363991    
    In response to iogyhufi

Having now watched the game, I think it's a perfect example of why I like Yale's chances in any IL game: they can win without shooting well. Cornell and Princeton play one guard and four wings — they can't match-up in the post with Matt Knowling and Danny Wolf. The same can be said for many of the teams in the league. It's very very handy to have a major frontcourt advantage. Yale's major offensive weakness is that they have three 40%-type shooters and more or less nobody else who's a real threat from the perimeter. It's hard to play a five-out style offense when at least two players on the court at any time are ones the defense feels comfortable leaving open. When the shooters aren't hitting, the Bulldogs can get stuff done with cutting action and precision passing, but that's harder to do when the defense is packed into the paint.

Of course, it would be nice if the Bulldogs would snap out of this funk they've been in recently. The rebounding has been recently lackluster from a team that's been quite good on that front this year, and the free throw shooting has been, let's say, an adventure. Those aren't things that Yale can afford to screw up and remain competitive. My hope is that they can use these next two weeks to get right and fine-tune some things before the ILT.

Masters Student
Posts: 814

Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
02-25-24 07:22 PM - Post#363992    
    In response to iogyhufi

also why u have to have wolf and knowling plsying together.

otherwise its easy to double down and play the odds. i am encouraged it took a historically bad ft night to lose to cornell on the road. and wolf was banged up at the end also when you had a chance still.
otherwise, so far, yale is doing fine when they are both playing full minutes.
curious columbia played them straight up mostly though when they doubled we mostly made them pay.
but worked for columbia on o as we cldnt guard anyone really and mbeng had foul probs.
life would be easier if we got another shooter.

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