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Username Post: Yale II        (Topic#27889)
Posts: 4943

Reg: 02-04-06
02-24-24 04:28 AM - Post#363857    

Hello? Anybody here? Congratulations on sole possession of first place in the Ivy League!

Tough physical performance against the Eli by the Big Red. Gray flinging himself at defenders and getting buckets and FTAs was impressive.

Masters Student
Posts: 516

Age: 57
Loc: Charleston, WV
Reg: 04-11-10
02-24-24 09:47 AM - Post#363862    
    In response to SRP

A handful and thanks. Gutty win by the guys; at 56-52, I really thought Yale would get the win as they often do in close games.

Masters Student
Posts: 422
Loc: Montclair, NJ
Reg: 11-21-04
02-24-24 10:09 AM - Post#363864    
    In response to SRP

What a crazy, crazy finish to that game!

With the score tied and 1:08 to go, Gray hits an improbable awkward falling down bank shot with two Yalies all over him in the paint and then cans the “and one.” Cornell +3.

Then Mbeng misses a tough layup with 0:42 to go. Nazir Williams, who I assumed would at least get FTs, then runs over his defender at 0:16 giving Yale the ball back.

You could sense a back-breaking three was coming to send the game into OT from one of Yale’s dead-eye shooters. Yale did not run the clock down and immediately found Poulikidas in the corner for a quick three that he clangs … but the senior All-Ivy warrior Chris Manon fouls the 80% foul shooter. What a huge mistake, here we go to OT!

Except he bricks two of the FTs (now a 2 point game) and on the last one Mahoney somehow ties up the Cornell rebounder and the possession arrow points to … Yale. Another huge blown opportunity to ice the game by Cornell and OT once again looks imminent. All Yale needs is for Mbeng or Knowling to get to the rim and draw a foul or better yet a three-point play like Knowling did to beat the Big Red in New Haven in the last few ticks on the clock.

But Mahoney mishandles the inbound pass and it trickles across midcourt for a violation, which I never ever expected from this smart, well-coached, seasoned team with the Ivy title on the line.

All of the above happened in less than a minute.

Well done Cornell, you have a tough team and I hope my Tigers can erase the memories of their trainwreck in Ithaca and grab a share of the Ivy title and #1 seed next week.

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