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Username Post: Dartmouth II        (Topic#27914)
Masters Student
Posts: 686

Age: 28
Reg: 10-10-17
03-01-24 10:56 AM - Post#364179    

No injuries, please. Obviously, Yale can't afford to take Dartmouth lightly, but this should be a great opportunity for a get-right game.

Masters Student
Posts: 686

Age: 28
Reg: 10-10-17
Re: Dartmouth II
03-01-24 11:20 PM - Post#364242    
    In response to iogyhufi

I got my wish tonight. John Poulakidas looked like he got his rhythm back tonight, and that's a great sign. Tomorrow a desperate Harvard team comes into JLA.

Masters Student
Posts: 814

Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-02-24 07:28 AM - Post#364259    
    In response to iogyhufi

i like the floor game bez is playing of late.

he always plays his tail off on d but he is leading the offense well now especially when you combine with knowlings passing.

dartmouth threw a lot of junk d at us and for the most part we adapted well.

harvard will be a tough one of course. i hope for the best

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