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Username Post: Brown ILT        (Topic#27990)
Masters Student
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Age: 28
Reg: 10-10-17
03-16-24 08:33 PM - Post#365470    

Tomorrow noon for all the marbles. Yale may have done itself a solid by losing last week, but we'll see.

Masters Student
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Age: 28
Reg: 10-10-17
Re: Brown ILT
03-16-24 08:57 PM - Post#365475    
    In response to iogyhufi

Also, I have nowhere else to put this, but Mitch Henderson had a hilariously self-unaware moment today.

Masters Student
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Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-16-24 11:11 PM - Post#365488    
    In response to iogyhufi

as I said last week I wouldn't want to have to beat this brown team 3x. And they could win it.

But I also wouldn't want to have to play Cornell in round 1.

If we win I am thrilled.
If we lose maybe my contribution off my best trade in a long while keep wolf. Kidding, sort of. Texas hedge?

As the commentators said-knowling doesn't practice and wolf has a broken nose...but if brown wins I will congratulate them my family and their fans and in so doing not blame a couple head colds. They are simply good and red hot which matters.

See ncstate-5 wins in 5 days! Amazing.

My hope is we show the grit of today and get some lucky bounces our way. That's what it'll take.

Masters Student
Posts: 686

Age: 28
Reg: 10-10-17
03-17-24 06:59 AM - Post#365502    
    In response to james

What makes Brown scary is that they have the best tough-shot maker in the league and recently kicked Yale's rear all over the place on the boards. Brown was so bad early on because their offense was a tire fire, but now that they've started hitting shots, it's a whole new ballgame. Yale will have to be sharp on both ends to win.

Masters Student
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Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-17-24 08:16 AM - Post#365505    
    In response to iogyhufi

yes they just have good personnel and it's complementary.

And Lilly's compatriots even at the 2/3 are good enough now that you can't always trap him (though maybe we shld try something off a ball screeen?)
And the 4/5 are good.

so? I think JJ should probably change a defense here and there. But unlike the Princeton game which only was a game bc of the junk press which worked.

But not sure we have that in the bag

Masters Student
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Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-17-24 08:43 AM - Post#365508    
    In response to james

today is a tough one for me. Hopefully it's a good game.

But it's touching watching how meaningful it is to others I am close too who are now disabled and want a different outcome. So signing off win or lose for a bit.

All proceeds to the cause if brown stays hot.

But LFG dogs! Sick em. Whoof whoof. haha

Masters Student
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Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-17-24 02:08 PM - Post#365541    
    In response to james

Feel for the family sitting behind the brown bench.
They will be favorites next year w that squad
Welcome to March!

PhD Student
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Reg: 11-21-04
03-17-24 02:15 PM - Post#365546    
    In response to james

Fairly certain that will be Princeton.

Congrats Yale on a legendary final minute and never letting it get away. So many huge shots. Those guys are so, so, so good.
LET'S go BRU-no (duh. nuh. nuh-nuh-nuh)

Masters Student
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Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-17-24 02:24 PM - Post#365550    
    In response to Bruno

Sorry man. Brown is my favorite in march 2025 unless Princeton finds bigs

Masters Student
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Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-17-24 02:26 PM - Post#365552    
    In response to james

And I lost a lot of money on this total result

I really liked the brown squad when they beat Yale at home.
I think Mike martin found it

Masters Student
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Age: 28
Reg: 10-10-17
03-17-24 02:37 PM - Post#365555    
    In response to james

That was such an exciting game. Sorry for poor Brown that Lucy waited until the last minute of the season to yank the football away, but next year should be bright for the Bears. Yale struggled mightily in the second until they absolutely had to have it, and then it was nothing but big shots.

Can't wait to see who we get!

Posts: 3738

Reg: 02-06-10
Brown ILT
03-17-24 02:38 PM - Post#365556    
    In response to james

Huge congrats to Yale. I really hope you guys have your March Moment and get to the Sweet 16 - but no further, ha. It seems Princeton and Yale keep winning ILTs when the other is #1.

Another parallel to last year's Tiger team is that both suffered a truly crushing defeat: Princeton choking a 17pt lead to Yale; Yale allowing 6 pts in 4 seconds to Vermont. Yet somehow that low point didn't break them. It made them stronger in the end.

Next year could be the first 2-bid Ivy. If Princeton is similarly good and Yale improves its non-conf and Brown continues its program turnaround... watch out. The NET numbers will allow for multiple Quad 1/2 games.

Masters Student
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Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-17-24 03:11 PM - Post#365562    
    In response to gokinsmen

Nice posts all.

I feel for Mike martin. Class act. You didn't need to listen the first time. But now you should. Brown will be hell.
And if they cld hit foul shots it would be here now.

Feel for those kids. To the "man in the arena" and to ivy league ball...may it persevere through the challenges of this time

Masters Student
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Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-17-24 03:14 PM - Post#365563    
    In response to james

Very cool to see all those guys i grew up watching and playing with and against in the stands on TV.

It's a special fraternity which perversely tightens with age

Masters Student
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Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-17-24 03:37 PM - Post#365568    
    In response to james

It expands but tightens oddly.

Only the key board warriors like us go the other way. Ha.

Brian Earl is also class. His pg interview was also impressive yesterday.

Tells me Henderson isn't leaving. You can't conduct one like that if you are auditioning for a power job when they put the Mic in your face in the bathroom stall after a loss unless you are a coach k or don't lose.

James Jones also did a horrible job at the dais last yr after his ILT loss. And he's a friend.

I just call it like I see it kids.

Posts: 2154

Age: 64
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Reg: 12-14-09
03-17-24 03:54 PM - Post#365571    
    In response to james

That was one hell of a finish. I thought Yale had totally lost momentum when Brown took the lead late in the second half. Polakidis and Mahoney made some really tough shots to get them back into it.

Trapping Lilly in the corner after Brown inbounded the ball, forcing him to pass (without fouling) and Ndur's two missed FTs marked the turning point.

Wolf going to the basket as the defense collapsed on him left Knowling open for the winner.

Masters Student
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Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-17-24 04:31 PM - Post#365578    
    In response to weinhauers_ghost

I felt like when Yale cldnt push the lead past 6 with numerous chances in the middle 2nd ...it wld turn. You could feel it and the pressure building on Yale.

I tht the substitutions south of 10 were terrible for Yale as you had 4 non shooters on the court at once in a rock fight w no whistle inside 10 ft.

Then I tht it was questionable not to foul brown earlier if u cld get the right guys on the line.

First 2 were correct but the 3rd view was wront. There was luck in it of course bc guys who shld hit 2/3 +fts missed and made 1/4z
And bc you didn't foul earlier you probably got pouli and Mahoney in rhythm to make it still winnable.

So wtf do I know from the couch

Masters Student
Posts: 814

Age: 49
Reg: 03-18-19
03-17-24 04:33 PM - Post#365579    
    In response to james

Or in this case, the sportsbook floor sipping bourbon

Posts: 2154

Age: 64
Loc: New York City
Reg: 12-14-09
03-17-24 06:12 PM - Post#365587    
    In response to james

Good point about the substitution pattern. I had similar thoughts in the moment. With Brown keying on Poulakidis, I was wondering where the offense was going to come from. Bez wasn't looking for his shot at all, and no one else was, either.

Posts: 2825

Reg: 11-23-04
03-17-24 06:55 PM - Post#365598    
    In response to weinhauers_ghost

What is it about some big guys and foul shots? ANYBODY can learn to be a passable foul shooter. Just requires practice, practice, practice.
I feel terrible for Brown and Mike Martin. Sorry, Yale, but you lucked out. Brown should be at the Big Dance.

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