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Username Post: Lee declares for draft        (Topic#28044)
Posts: 108

Loc: Los Angeles
Reg: 01-26-13
Re: Lee declares for draft
04-30-24 10:49 PM - Post#367926    
    In response to palestra38

I read somewhere that it is problematic for international students to participate in NIL deals unless all the work and payment is done in their home country.

Edited by iabhoops88 on 04-30-24 10:49 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

Masters Student
Posts: 463

Reg: 10-11-18
Re: Lee declares for draft
05-01-24 06:06 AM - Post#367929    
    In response to iabhoops88

International students are on student visas and if they were to get paid in NIL they'd need work visas, which are much harder to get.

Posts: 3738

Reg: 02-06-10
Lee declares for draft
05-04-24 12:27 PM - Post#368118    
    In response to CM

Lee makes the G-League Elite Camp, but not (yet) the NBA Draft Combine:

https://twitter.com/DraftExpress/status/1 786785236...

Tosan got the same treatment but earned a Combine invite after his Elite Camp showing. Xaivian stated his intent to return barring a crazy offer, so I think it's all but certain now that he's coming back. Being a potential late 2nd rounder isn't worth leaving Princeton early.

It'll still be a great experience to meet with NBA teams and play against other top players. But the best way to boost that draft stock is with a monster junior year and NCAA tourney run. It would be amazing to see Lee stay for his senior year too, but I'm under no illusions in that department.

Posts: 2825

Reg: 11-23-04
05-04-24 05:26 PM - Post#368124    
    In response to gokinsmen

Every time I see that there is a new post on this topic, I prepare myself for the worst. Please, Xavian. Another year.

Posts: 3738

Reg: 02-06-10
Lee declares for draft
05-11-24 01:20 PM - Post#368296    
    In response to Tiger69

Live feed of Day 1 Elite Camp scrimmages:


Lee is playing in the first game (#34 in black). In his first stint, he made 1-2 threes, got a steal, and got a couple more defensive stops. Looked very poised.

I'll probably watch the rest later. The G League channel eventually posts the entire video of scrimmages when it's over.

Posts: 3738

Reg: 02-06-10
Lee declares for draft
05-11-24 03:36 PM - Post#368297    
    In response to gokinsmen

Lee had a lot of great passes (6 assists) and some nice defensive plays (knocked 3-4 balls loose). Teammates didn't always finish but he was a true PG (+17). A couple of highlights:

https://twitter.com/HoopIntelllect/status /17893551...
https://twitter.com/libaanstar1/status/17 893430097...

Lee barely shot (1-3, 5pts) with Boogie Ellis filling it up, but he was the floor general for his team in victory. He even got a postgame shoutout from his coach (00:30 mark):

https://twitter.com/nbagleague/status/178 937635122...

  • Quote:
"Our guards set the tone. Boogie Ellis out of USC and Lee from Princeton... like I said set the tone, running the offense."

I think Xaivian did well to show his all-around game on Day 1. Looking forward to him scoring a bit more tomorrow.

Posts: 3738

Reg: 02-06-10
05-11-24 09:20 PM - Post#368298    
    In response to gokinsmen

According to DraftExpress, Xaivian also tested well. Out of 45 players...


  • Quote:
Princeton standout 20-year-old sophomore point guard Xaivian Lee had a productive day at G League Elite Camp in Chicago

- 3rd in the pro lane agility drill (10.48 seconds)

- 5th in the shuttle run (3.01 seconds)

- 11th highest maximum vertical (36.5 inches)

Posts: 2305
Age: 74
Loc: Sandy, Utah
Reg: 11-21-04
05-12-24 12:37 PM - Post#368301    
    In response to gokinsmen

Thanks for posting this. The 45 participants: how good are they? Doubt they are future first rounds picks. Would they be G league level?

Posts: 3738

Reg: 02-06-10
Lee declares for draft
05-12-24 01:36 PM - Post#368302    
    In response to 1LotteryPick1969

Short answer: pretty much. They'll probably end up in G-League and/or getting a two-way contract.

Long answer: NBA teams submit a list of 75 players they want to see at the NBA Combine. This year, the top 78 vote getters received Combine invites and the next 45 got G-League Elite Camp invites.

So it's possible that a few NBA teams might have an Elite Camp player in first round consideration, but they're definitely seen as a cut below the outright Combine invitees.

Posts: 3738

Reg: 02-06-10
Lee declares for draft
05-12-24 11:24 PM - Post#368306    
    In response to gokinsmen

https://twitter.com/nbagleague/status/178 985728677...

No Combine invite for Xaivian. There were only 5 invites this year and all were seniors/5th years. That said, I'm sure he impressed NBA teams with his playmaking and athleticism, matching up with guys 2-3 years older than him.

It seems certain now that he's coming back. With a great junior year and an NCAA run, he can play his way into the first round. That Sweet 16 run did wonders for Tosan's stock and Xaivian (and Caden) can do the same with another March moment.

Highlight from today: https://twitter.com/libaanstar1/status/17 897947697...

Posts: 2305
Age: 74
Loc: Sandy, Utah
Reg: 11-21-04
Re: Lee declares for draft
05-13-24 10:15 AM - Post#368315    
    In response to gokinsmen

For Jeremy Lin, high BAM scores did not translate to getting drafted. I hope things have changed since then.

BTW, I completely misjudged Lin when I saw him play, probably because Maddux was guarding him.

Jeremy Lin: 16.66 mph
Derrick Rose: 16.60 mph
John Wall: 16.48 mph
Kyrie Irving: 15.67 mph
Lin: 13.93 mph
Wall: 13.25 mph
Irving: 12.64 mph
For Rose, BAM has only average speed data.
Lin: 18.85 mph
Wall: 19.30 mph
Irving: 18.74 mph

Posts: 2718

Loc: New Jersey
Reg: 01-21-14
05-13-24 11:14 AM - Post#368317    
    In response to 1LotteryPick1969

I remember seeing Maddux guard Lin at Princeton. Maddux was a great athlete and just too big for Lin to maneuver around.

Same strategy is working for Indiana against the Knicks. Nesmith (6'6") is keeping Brunson from dominating - which is all that is needed with a depleted Knick's squad.

Amaker's early success at Harvard leveraged that strategy with larger defenders like Okolie (a 6'8" guard), Edosomwan and Kyle Casey. Other than Ajogbor, Harvard didn't seem to have impact defenders this year. It's so important, especially when the opposition relies on a particular player to create on offense. Maddux was certainly that weapon for Princeton. Conversely, Dartmouth stole a game against Harvard in 2015 by switching 5'9" Malik Gill to guard Wes Saunders. The quicker Gill prevented Saunders from backing him down and hitting his usual fall away jumper. Saunders made only 2 FG's (to go with 2 3's) and Harvard's offense sputtered, allowing Dartmouth (14-15 on the season) to steal a victory at Lavietes against an eventual 22-8 Harvard squad. That's coaching. This was the Harvard squad that beat Yale in a playoff and went on lose to UNC by 2 points on the back of Saunders (26 points).

Posts: 341

Age: 77
Reg: 03-28-15
05-13-24 05:26 PM - Post#368328    
    In response to HARVARDDADGRAD

This post reminds me of the defensive job Tosan did against Poulakidas in ILT 2yrs ago. Still the best coaching move in a decade to my way of thinking.

Posts: 4943

Reg: 02-04-06
05-17-24 08:26 PM - Post#368465    
    In response to ToothlessTiger

Lee looked less bothered by the defense in these clips than in any IL game he played. NBA teams would be wise to assess him based on his college tape, because athleticism is unlikely to be a limiting factor for him in the sense of being unable to handle casual D by an NBA-level athlete. He can do that easily. What happens when a team is trying to take him out as a threat is the pertinent issue.

Posts: 3738

Reg: 02-06-10
Lee declares for draft
05-27-24 02:32 PM - Post#368766    
    In response to SRP

Part 2 of the ongoing documentary series on Xaivian:


00:31 Sounds like Lee couldn't go to the Combine because of exams - a professor wouldn't let him take it another time. This was filmed before the Elite Camp, where he performed well, but I guess he couldn't have accepted an invite anyway.

19:00 [Xaivian on declaring for the draft] "It was supposed to be low-key but everyone made it hella dramatic... I was like, I'm a just get these couple workouts in, get my feedback, see where I'm at, and all of a sudden it's like 'Oh my gosh he's going to the league!' ...It got blown up out of proportion."

Posts: 365

Age: 67
Reg: 12-24-11
Re: Lee declares for draft
05-27-24 05:27 PM - Post#368767    
    In response to gokinsmen

I told the Penn alumni owners of several NBA teams that the best thing they could to help Penn basketball would be to draft him this year! Great player

Posts: 3738

Reg: 02-06-10
Lee declares for draft
05-27-24 06:19 PM - Post#368768    
    In response to mbaprof

Haha, that would be diabolical. I bet most NBA teams want to see Lee play one more season in college before putting him on their draft board.

At 50:08, you can see the workouts he had scheduled: Grizzlies, Celtics, Nets, Hornets, Clippers. Maybe he got some more after Elite Camp, but I assume those teams must be the most interested to reach out beforehand.

Posts: 365

Age: 67
Reg: 12-24-11
05-28-24 02:00 PM - Post#368787    
    In response to gokinsmen

Defininitely some of those teams on his workout list!
Id love to help him make the league so i dont have to see him two or three times next season!
Seriously i watched some of the documentary and his professor not letting him take final at another time to go to camp is certainly enough reason to transfer..

Posts: 2825

Reg: 11-23-04
Lee declares for draft
05-29-24 07:14 AM - Post#368830    
    In response to mbaprof

Uh … Princeton is still in the education business (although I suspect that you are kidding).

Edited by Tiger69 on 05-29-24 07:15 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

Posts: 3738

Reg: 02-06-10
Lee declares for draft
05-29-24 05:16 PM - Post#368833    
    In response to Tiger69

He's officially back! Always expected but kept us waiting till deadline day.

https://x.com/DraftExpress/status/1 795923822534615...

I suspect he had interest, but only late 2nd round or a two-way contract. With another year of improvement - and a March Madness run - Lee could slip into the 1st round.

Lee, Pierce, Davis, Peters, Austin... wowzah. If we get even half-decent play at center from Huggins/Happy/Byriel, this may be an all-time Tiger team.

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