Posts: 161
Reg: 03-12-16
11-01-24 06:57 PM - Post#373510
Piggy backing on this thread, http://boards.basketball-u.com/showtopic.php?tid/2... and some previous threads, there is a new site up for Evaluation and Feedback.
Why a new site?
This current site has had it's issues over the last year or so. Performance randomly tanks or it stops working altogether. Also, every time you log in, you are transmitting your password unencrypted as this site does NOT use TLS.
What are the features of the New Site?
Built on Discourse ( https://www.discourse.org/ ), these current features exist and a lot more will be added:
- Registration and login via Google, Discord, or your email.
- Mobile friendly
- Notifications
- TLS via Let's Encrypt
- Captcha to prevent spam accounts
- Askimet to prevent spam posts
- Modern UI and features
- Live Chat rooms for discussions during games
- Calendars (not enabled yet) with all games scheduled
- Nightly backups of the entire environment in case of any issues
- Hosted on Digital Ocean and not on some free forum that is going to sell your data.
- A gazillion plugins to add always improving the site usability ( https://meta.discourse.org/c/plugin/22 )
Please post here for feedback: https://ivyleague.chat/t/site-feedback/25
Edited by Vonsid on 11-01-24 07:03 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Posts: 3753
Reg: 02-05-10
New Site for Evaluation & Feedback 11-01-24 07:09 PM - Post#373515
In response to Vonsid
Thanks so much for your hard work and savvy, Vonsid. That is definitely a great-looking, modern, secure forum.
As a backup option, I'll keep my basic Proboards forum up if people ultimately just want a non-bot infested version of this site.
https://ivyleaguebasketba ll.proboards.com/
But I already created an account on your forum and am familiating myself with the settings and preferences. Much appreciated!
Posts: 2323
Age: 74
Loc: Sandy, Utah
Reg: 11-21-04
Re: New Site for Evaluation & Feedback 11-01-24 07:15 PM - Post#373519
In response to Vonsid
Thanks! So far so good.
Posts: 161
Reg: 03-12-16
11-01-24 07:54 PM - Post#373521
In response to 1LotteryPick1969
I appreciate the thanks and feedback. Quick rebuild of the site to enable a lot of new features. Will be down for 10 mins at most.
Posts: 161
Reg: 03-12-16
11-01-24 08:09 PM - Post#373522
In response to Vonsid
And we're back
Masters Student
Posts: 583
Reg: 11-22-04
11-02-24 07:18 PM - Post#373529
In response to Vonsid
Love the new site! Thanks for creating it!
Posts: 161
Reg: 03-12-16
11-03-24 11:19 AM - Post#373531
In response to Penn90
Thank you!
Posts: 2323
Age: 74
Loc: Sandy, Utah
Reg: 11-21-04
11-03-24 12:19 PM - Post#373534
In response to Vonsid
Now all we need is some action on your new site!