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Username Post: Merchant Marine        (Topic#28508)
Posts: 5678

Age: 61
Reg: 07-07-09
12-07-24 01:46 PM - Post#375297    

Nothing will be learned from this game. Whoever is doing the scheduling needs to step it up.

Merchant Marine has 7 players, only one of them looks to be over 6 feet tall.

Columbia 37P6 
Posts: 2267

Reg: 02-14-06
12-07-24 02:23 PM - Post#375301    
    In response to TheLine

This event is a farce and should not have been scheduled. Hopefully anyone wno paid for admission will get their money back.

Chet Forte 
Posts: 3030

Reg: 03-02-08
12-08-24 08:04 AM - Post#375323    
    In response to Columbia 37P6

Looks like it was an opportunity for dome young players to get a little playing time. Anybody amoing the first years stand out?

Posts: 5678

Age: 61
Reg: 07-07-09
12-08-24 08:56 AM - Post#375325    
    In response to Chet Forte

Hard to say because the game was a glorified practice and it's not possible to determine how anything they did will transfer to a competitive game.

O'Keefe did score a lot.

Robledo was in sweats but otherwise looked OK.

Tavroff knows the lyrics to just about every song played over the PA.

Chet Forte 
Posts: 3030

Reg: 03-02-08
12-12-24 11:23 AM - Post#375629    
    In response to TheLine

Is O’Keefe a legitimate candidate for serious minutes this year? I know that this was not a real game, but at least to me he looks like a talent.

Posts: 5678

Age: 61
Reg: 07-07-09
12-12-24 11:57 AM - Post#375630    
    In response to Chet Forte

Cunningham, Cobb and O'Keefe all have talent.

Cunningham seems to be ahead, which makes sense because his strength is defense (he is the quickest on the team IMO) and the team needs that. He has an ok outside shot as well. He moves well on offense off the ball.

O'Keefe is a pure shooter. The question is if the shooting is also good against better talent.

Cobb is more of a prototypical PG. He needs to limit the TOs and show he's a better shooter than he's demonstrated so far.

I don't have a good handle on how good O'Keefe or Cobb is on D.

Columbia 37P6 
Posts: 2267

Reg: 02-14-06
12-12-24 04:40 PM - Post#375631    
    In response to TheLine

Jason Crafton has just been appointed "Chief Program Strategist" of the Columbia Men's Basketball Team. Excuse my ignorance, but I have never heard of the term "Chief Program Strategist. What is Crafton's role/

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