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Username Post: AU Women's Basketball        (Topic#4508)
Posts: 2

Reg: 11-27-06
12-04-06 10:58 AM - Post#25362    

I had high expectations for this years team and they seem to be falling short each game. THe Head Coach doesn't appear to know what she is doing. This is her third year. Last years team seemed to have chemistry on the court. This year with 4-5 juco and transfer players there is no chemistry. With a record of 2-6 you would think the coach would know what the problem was. MAYBE she should listen to her assistants. Possibly ask the players. Maybe leave. From watching the games, there are way too many 3 pt shots being taken when there are players wide open in the paint. Looks to be selfish play. I would be interested to know what percentage of the total shots come from each player thus far. I am not aware of any team that can win by shooting 3's. If someone knows differently please let me know. It seems that the only use of the posts is to set screens for the 3's. Too bad this is not a measurable stat. They have talent but it doesn't seem to be used correctly. Going to be a long season and even longer if the coaching doesn't change its perspective. Eyes wide open COACHES - take those blinders off. Let's get it goin'!

Posts: 2

Reg: 11-27-06
Re: AU Women's Basketball
01-16-07 02:00 AM - Post#25363    
    In response to dunkin

Just got back from the Classic...lots of talk about AU and their coaching staff. Two players have quit the team so far this year. One player over the break. A starter and leading rebounder. There seems to be a lot of curiosity as to why their rookie player isn't getting many minutes also. Does anyone know what this coaching staff is thinking? Spoke with a few coaches who were scratching their heads in disbelief. Said she was the best defensive post player they had. There are watchful eyes on this situation.

This coaching staff has had four, count them FOUR players leave their program under this Coach. I hope AU looks into WHY these players are leaving. Anyone with some insight to what is supposedly going on at AU please give it up and let us know.

I certainly hope she knows what she is doing. She needs a winning season if she is to be considered for renewel of her contract. Future recruiting will be difficult for AU under these circumstances.

Posts: 4

Reg: 01-16-07
Re: AU Women's Basketball
01-29-07 03:07 AM - Post#25364    
    In response to dunkin

I have made two attempts at posting on this thread and keep getting kicked off. They were long winded and I don't know why.

But I will make this attempt shorter. I had individual observations on each player on this team. I have to agree with Dunkin that their Rookie post is their best defensive post player and if fed the ball more their best offensive threat...but you have to be getting playing time. A couple of us are scratching our heads as to why this coach and her staff are not using her. oh well better for the opposition.

Guards need to SEE the floor more, take less 3's, MOVE the ball quicker and get it inside. Quit shooting so many 3's. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. When you spread the scoring you WIN. When one person gets all of the points you LOSE.
Starting lineup is wrong. ADJUST at halftime. PERIOD. Quit putting in the same starters. The first 4 minutes are the most important.
Will be watching but not too far away.
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