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Username Post: Lions' women's coach resigns; "personal reasons"        (Topic#583)
Posts: 3402

Loc: Los Angeles
Reg: 11-21-04
02-04-05 01:33 PM - Post#3223    

west coast fan

The Lion King 
Posts: 394

Reg: 11-21-04
Re: Lions' women's coach resigns; "personal reason
02-04-05 02:20 PM - Post#3224    
    In response to internetter

Is Kareem available?

light blue heavy 
Posts: 164
light blue heavy
Reg: 11-22-04
Re: Lions' women's coach resigns; "personal reason
02-04-05 03:43 PM - Post#3225    
    In response to The Lion King


This is nuts. I knew it was a bad idea for an outgoing AD and committee to appoint a whole bunch of coaches in their last few months, but this seems totally unrelated.

Barred from campus? what the heck happened?

Mike Porter 
Posts: 3652
Mike Porter
Loc: Los Angeles, CA
Reg: 11-21-04
Re: Lions' women's coach resigns; "personal reason
02-04-05 08:39 PM - Post#3226    
    In response to light blue heavy


Barred from campus? what the heck happened?

I read that and had to wonder as well... Weird. Something pretty shady must have went on to deserve that...


Posts: 2215
Loc: Houston, TX
Reg: 11-24-04
Re: Lions' women's coach resigns; "personal reason
02-05-05 03:33 AM - Post#3227    
    In response to Mike Porter

There is a comment on the Spectator article, which, while somewhat cryptic, implies that she had completely lost the support and/or interest of the team. That still doesn't quite explain the banning from campus, though.
David Perry
Penn '92
"Hail, Alma Mater/Thy sons cheer thee now
To thee, Pennsylvania/All rivals must bow!!!"

The Lion King 
Posts: 394

Reg: 11-21-04
Re: Lions' women's coach resigns; "personal reason
02-07-05 03:23 PM - Post#3228    
    In response to dperry

The same guy who posted the original gossip has more, this time a bit juicier, at the same link as before:


If it's true, it still doesn't sound like "clean out your desk and begone forever" stuff, but we don't even know if it's true, let alone what else may have occurred.

For more on the source of this gossip, see


Posts: 69

Reg: 11-23-04
Re: Lions' women's coach resigns; "personal reason
02-07-05 03:53 PM - Post#3229    
    In response to The Lion King

The subject of this story, football player Kirk Mullings,
posted a comment in the Spectator attached to Spec's rather uninformative story about Waites'
departure. He made some interesting remarks, not only about
the coach losing the players' respect, but about the playes not caring whether they win or lose.
How much, if any, of this is true is open to speculation, but at least indicates there's a lot the public doesn't know and the athletics dept. isn'nt saying,
for personnel-confidentiality reasons.

The Lion King 
Posts: 394

Reg: 11-21-04
Nicole Lesko says Kirk Mullings is full of baloney
02-08-05 02:07 PM - Post#3230    
    In response to Lionized

The pride of Jasper, Indiana, as feisty off the court as she is on it, says the rumormonger should go mong something else:


(see comments at end)

Posts: 69

Reg: 11-23-04
Re: Nicole Lesko says Kirk Mullings is full of baloney
02-08-05 04:46 PM - Post#3231    
    In response to The Lion King

She's in a position to know, but he continues to throw out tantalizing hints. Only a guess, but Athletics Dept.'s firmly closed mouth plus timing of coach's abrupt departure indicates more than dispute
over coaching philosophy. Could be personaliy conflicts but Iron Curtain on info hints at something more embarrassing, sealed by mutual agreement to protect parties, avoid lawsuits, etc. Who knows? Point is, Waites is gone and the thing now is to play ball under Verdi and
accomplish something

The Lion King 
Posts: 394

Reg: 11-21-04
I'll bet she made fun of Dianne Murphy's haircut
02-08-05 05:48 PM - Post#3232    
    In response to Lionized

Agreed. This weekend will be critical to their chances. They should win against Princeton, and as for Penn, they've played the Quakers very tough the last few years, even beating them at Levien last year when Penn won the league. Now that the Quakers have lost their crown Jewel, I think Penn is beatable, though the Lions will have to shut out all the distractions and play their best to win.

If they beat Penn and Princeton, they will be 5-3 after going around the league once (and twice against Cornell). Duplicating their 3-3 against the other six would leave them at 8-6, which would be the program's first winning record in its Division I history. To accomplish that, they would have to beat Penn at the Palestra or, failing that, beat Dartmouth, Harvard, or Brown (who are a combined 14-2 at this point) at Levien. I think this team can do it, but first they have to take care of Penn at home.

Whatever happens, I hope the administration looks long and hard at everyone before choosing the next coach. Remember what happened to the football program in the 1980s, with Jim Garrett and then Larry McElreavy.


Re: I'll bet she made fun of Dianne Murphy's hairc
02-08-05 08:45 PM - Post#3233    
    In response to The Lion King

Doc Murphy has a fine head of hair but I am going to defend her anyways from all of you balding potbellies out there.

In my book she is a breath of fresh air with her straight talk about the deficiencies with the Columbia sports teams and sports facilities.

She has had the guts to call the Columbia sports facilties for what they are...a piece of s**t...not her words but mine paraphrasing what she said in previous interviews.

Also, she has attacked the losing attitude that permeates many of the sports teams and exhibited and exacerbated by the respective losers on the coaching staff...

What ever she does to get things moving and that includes kicking some ass on the way is just fine by me....in fact perfecto!

The Lion King 
Posts: 394

Reg: 11-21-04
Murphy's hair
02-08-05 09:16 PM - Post#3234    
    In response to

In general, I have nothing against the way Ms. Murphy has done her job so far. I'll quibble with this and that, but as you say, Columbia athletics needed a kick in the butt and she has given them one. But she really should let her hair grow out some.

P.S. The comments have been deleted from the end of the Spectator article, though I'm sure they will continue to circulate in a samizdat version.

Posts: 69

Reg: 11-23-04
Re: I'll bet she made fun of Dianne Murphy's haircut
02-09-05 02:12 PM - Post#3235    
    In response to The Lion King

I do remember but they handled it better, at least the latter. McElreavy, a married head coach, had something going with a female trainer. The Admin. didn't trumpet it to the world, but the info was made available, I recall. If unacceptable behavior by the coach is involved, especially immoral or illegal behavior
(drugs for example)I don't see that the U has to worry about legal reprisal. As for pr, it's a plus to take action and also not to create a mystery.

Posts: 3402

Loc: Los Angeles
Reg: 11-21-04
Re: Spec on Still Waiting For Answers
02-09-05 02:58 PM - Post#3236    
    In response to Lionized

west coast fan

The Lion King 
Posts: 394

Reg: 11-21-04
the mystery continues
02-14-05 01:34 PM - Post#3237    
    In response to internetter

Overheard at Levien Gym this weekend:

In the men's room.
Fan 1: I was sure you'd be the one guy who knew what happened to the coach.
Fan 2: Me? I was counting on you to know!

By the elevator:
Fan: So what's the story with Coach Waites?
Someone from the athletic department: We can't talk about it.
Fan: Come on, can you at least say what it's about?
SFTAD: Can't talk about it.

In the stands:
Fan: So what do you know about the situation with . . .
Longtime friend of the program: (holding up hand) Don't even ask me about that!

One person who seemed to know what was going on, when asked if it was the sort of offense that involved another person, shook her head vigorously, but I don't know if that meant "no" or "can't say."

The Lion King 
Posts: 394

Reg: 11-21-04
new Spectator article
02-18-05 01:36 PM - Post#3238    
    In response to The Lion King


It has some information about her past but nothing new about the circumstances that led to her firing. It does quote Waites saying that when she interviewed for the Columbia job, she "talked to [assistant AD] Merry Ormsby candidly about my past." That suggests that she had some sort of pre-existing problem, doesn't it? Also quoted is her former athletic director at Pitt, who says: "The firing [from Pitt] was not based 100 percent on her record. There were other things going on internally that I can’t go into because of confidentiality agreements." It sounds like the old Columbia athletic regime took a chance on her, and when she took a misstep, the new regime saw no reason to be indulgent since Waites was not their hire.

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