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Username Post: AU Women's Basketball 6-11        (Topic#6819)
Posts: 4

Reg: 01-16-07
01-17-08 12:31 AM - Post#41304    

What has happened to this program? 6-11 is horrible, especially for a Coach in her fourth season. Watched a couple games and to be honest, I don't think it's the players. Some of these games were winnable. Coaches need to be held accountable now. Are their contracts up for renewel this year? If not, a resignation? Hugh's left 'Gate. And they have a new coach that is struggling also. But, It's her first year. (1-15)
Please someone step up and stop the bleeding, before more players leave. If there is any hope left they should beat 'Gate. This seven game losing streak has got to end. aaaaarrrrrggggghhhh.

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