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Click on a question to expand/collapse the answer. If you are unable to find the answer here, choose "Contact Us" from the "Help" menu to contact the board administrators. Click here to expand all questions.
User Questions
Why Should I Register?
In order to take full advantage of the features of FusionBB, we suggest that you register a username. This will allow you to track new posts, edit your profile and viewing preferences, send private topics, edit your posts, receive email notifications to topics, use the buddy list feature.
Registration requires you to create a username, password and enter a valid email address. Registration may be subject to administrator approval.

Does FusionBB use cookies?
Yes, FusionBB uses cookies to keep track of your session. This is essential to many board features, like new post tracking and various viewing preferences.

How do I edit my profile and viewing preferences?
One you are registered and logged in, you can edit your profile, viewing preferences, avatar, email preferences and more by clicking on "My Fusion" in the menu bar.

How do I contact the admins?
If you need to contact the site administrators you can choose "Contact Us" from the "Help" menu at the top of the screen.

What are these titles about?
The titles which appear in your profile and below your username in posts are administrator defined, based on your post count. View Titles.

How do I change my display name?
If the administrator has enabled this option you can change your display name simply by clicking on "My Fusion" then click "Public Profile". Change your display name there, then click "proceed". Display name changes may be subject to administrator approval.

How do I add a signature?
A signature is a bit of text which appears at the bottom of all your posts. To add/edit your signature click on "My Fusion" then click on "Signature". Make your changes, then click "Proceed".

How do I update my email address or email preferences?
You can update your email address and adjust all your email preference by clicking "My Fusion" then click "Email Settings". Make your adjustments then click "Proceed".

Why should I fill out my profile?
Filling in your profile will allow others to learn more about you. Sharing a little bit of information about your likes and geographical location can help build a sense of community. Do be aware however, that information posted to message boards (and the internet in general) can be viewed by others. Be cautious when sharing personal information about yourself. Don't post things like your specific address or phone number unless you are positive you want to share this information.

How can I change my password?
You can change your password anytime by clicking "My Fusion" then click "Control Panel", then click "Change Password" on the left. Passwords can contain letters, numbers and special characters. For passwords, it is best not to use "dictionary" words. Passwords which contain letters, numbers and special characters are hardest to guess. Also note that passwords are cases sensitive, so mixing upper and lower case letters will make them even tougher to guess. Never give your password to anyone.

General Site Questions
What is a Private Topic?
A private topic is just like a topic posted publically to the forum, except it is private between two or more users. The private topic will show the users who are participating in the topic. Users can leave the topic at any time. When a user leaves the private topic, there will be a post announcing that the user is no longer participating. Once a user is no longer participating, they cannot read the topic anymore.

What are referrals?
Click on "My Fusion" and you will see your referral link. Give this link out to your friends, post it elsewhere, use it in your signature on other boards. You will receive "credit" for users who join using your link.

How do I Search the Site?
You can search the site simply by clicking on the "Search" tab in the menubar. You can search specific forums for keywords or posts by a certain user. A date range can also be specified. Note that the site administrators may require users to be logged in to search or impose certain search limits for board performance.

How do I get help?
In addition to reviewing all the questions and answers on this page, throughout the site you will see little question mark images next to certain options. Clicking this question mark will open our "pop-up help" explaining the feature. Note: If you have blocked popup windows in your browser you may not be able to open popup help.

How do I find out more about a member?
You can view a member's profile to learn more about them simply by clicking on their username.

Can I start my own message board?
Yes, visit FusionBB.com to learn about and to purchase the FusionBB community software.

Posting Messages
Can I use HTML in my posts?
HTML may be enabled in certain forums, but most likely you will be restricted to "markup". Markup is special coding for message boards and is pretty much a simplified version of HTML. When making a post, above the text area you will notice markup icons. Clicking these icons will walk you through special formatting like Bold, Italics, Quotes, Lists, URLs, Images, Colors and more. Here is a summary of the most popular markup features:
  • [b]Text[/b] will bold the text
  • [i]Text[/i] will italicize the text
  • You can combine codes, so [b][i]Text[/i][/b] will bold and italicize the text
  • [u]Text[/u] will underline the text
  • [highlight]Text[/highlight] will highlight the text
  • [strike]Text[/strike] will strike through the text
  • [quote]Text[/quote] will quote the text
  • [quote=Josh]Text[/quote] will quote text from a particular user (in this example it will say "Josh Said:")
  • [code]Text[/code] will put code tags around the text
  • [url=http://www.whatever.com]My Link[/url] will create a link titled "My Link" which when clicked will go to the www.whatever.com website
  • [image]http://www.whatever.com/image.gif[/image] will insert the remote image into the post (.gif,.jpg and .png file endings only)
  • [color:red]Text[/color] will create colored text. You can change the color or use a hex code.
  • [tab] Will indent 5 fixed spaces.
  • [big]Text[/big] will make the font size bigger +1.
  • [bigger]Text[/bigger] will make the font size bigger +2.
  • [biggest]Text[/biggest] will make the font size bigger +3.
  • [small]Text[/small] will make the font size smaller -1.
  • [smaller]Text[/smaller] will make the font size smaller -2.
  • [smallest]Text[/smallest] will make the font size smaller -3.
  • [h1]Text[/h1] will make the text use the heading 1 class.
  • [h2]Text[/h2] will make the text use the heading 2 class.
  • [left]Text[/left] will move the text to the left.
  • [right]Text[/right] will move the text to the right.
  • [center]Text[/center] will move the text to the center.
  • There are also a range of included smilies such as :) ;) :p etc.... which will auto convert into smilie images

Spoiler Tags allow you to post a question, and an answer. The answer is only visible when the question is clicked.
  • [spoilerq:1]Question goes here[/spoilerq]
  • [spoilera:1]Answer goes here[/spoilera]
  • You can do more than one spoiler in a post, you just need to increase the number in the question and answer for each spoiler
List tags allow you to make unnumbered lists:
[*] Item 1
[*] Item 2
[*] Item 3

There is also an option for numbered lists:
[*] Item 1
[*] Item 2
[*] Item 3

Can I attach files to my post?
If file attachments are enabled, when making a post you can click the "Manage Files" link. A popup window will open allowing you to browse and select file(s) off your hard drive, then click "Add". When finished click "Finished" and the window will close so you can continue making your post.

Can I put a poll in my post?
If enabled, when making a post you can click "Manage Polls" and the popup window will walk you through creating polls. When you are done click "Finished" and continue making your post normally.

Can I review the Topic when replying?
Yes, when making a reply, click the "Click to Review other posts in this topic" link and an iFrame will open below the post. This will allow you to scroll through the topic (change pages if needed) and review the entire topic while you compose your reply.

Can I edit my posts?
If enabled, yes you can click "Edit" next to your post to edit it. The forum administrator may not allow this or may impose an edit time limit. If that time has passed or you are not allowed to edit, then a moderator or administrator will need to make any changes for you.

Can I delete my posts?
If you are allowed to edit posts, you can click "Edit" next to the post you wish to remove. At the top of the screen you will see a radio button giving you the option to delete that post. Note that the administrator may put a restriction on your ability to edit, or the timelimit you are allowed to edit/delete. If you are not allowed to edit or the time limit has passed, then a moderator or administrator will need to delete your post for you.

Why did some words in my post change or get blocked out?
If enabled certain words may be censored. Typically this is done with foul language. Please check the board rules for what language may or may not be appropriate. Depending on how the censor is setup, some words may simply be blocked out, and others may change into a different word.

What should I use for my topic subject?
Make sure you use a descriptive subject line for your topics. It is vital for users when viewing, so they can know what the topic is about. You are more likely to get viewers and get a response to a topic with the subject of "Macintosh Photoshop Question" than with a topic subject of "Help!!!!!!!!!!!!".

Viewing Messages
How can I tell what posts are new?
When viewing a list of topics, you will notice an image in the left column. If this image is "lit up" it means there are new posts in this topic. Check the Icon Legend at the bottom of the screen for a detail of each image used, as different skins can use different images.
You will also notice an arrow image right before the subject of the post. Clicking on this arrow will take you to the FIRST UNREAD post. Clicking on the subject will take you to the first post in the topic.

Can I control how many Topics/Replies I see per page?
Yes, you have total control over the number of topics and posts you see per page. Click on "My Fusion" then "Control Panel", then click on "Display Settings". There you will find variety of options to determine how many Topics/Replies you see per page. Adjust these numbers and click "Proceed" to save your settings.

Can I change the color of my display?
Yes, if the administrator has configured this option, you can choose different skins for your display. Click on "My Fusion" and then click on "Display Settings". Change the pull down menu next to "User Skin" and click "Proceed".

What if I do not want to be seen in the Online Now screen?
You can choose to hide your visiblity from the Online Now page. Click on "My Fusion" then click "Display Settings". Uncheck the box next to "Visible Online" and click "Proceed".

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